Pixopedia Documentation


4.4. Polyline

Settings: Polyline category

This topic covers polyline (and polygon) options. To render polyline/polygon, right click on your image, choose polyline from pop-up menu and apply polyline stroke. Change some polyline settings and apply polyline again to see the difference.

  • Simplification algorithm: currently only Douglas-Peucker algorithm is implemented. Visvalingam algoritm will be implemented when I grab some time.
  • Tolerance: tolerance in pixels; input parameter in simplification algorithm.
  • Simplify polyline: to perform, or not to perform simplification algorithm.
  • Polygon modification: three choices; no modification, simplify polygon in the same manner as polyline and convert polygon to splinegon. Splinegon (in Pixopedia context) is  a spline that’s closed, but the closing point is not “splined”, i.e. it looks quite sharp. With special shapes, you can draw “real” closed splines. Well, I can add this possibility to standard shapes. In this case, there would be a fourth choice (convert polygon to closed spline)…I’ll think about it.
  • Spline: what type of spline to perform. Currently, Catmull-Rom is the only option.